Robert Lowell Collected Poems Themes

Robert Lowell Collected Poems Themes

Time - “Time”

“Time” employs “the Chapel of Our Lady of the Sacristy” to illuminate the equilibrium of time’s evolutions. The chapel exemplifies the developments that are accredited to time such as assembling of the ample sculpture and Cardinal Sandoval’s bequest that was fabricated by bygone time. Although time slides inexorably, the chapel’s locality is a signifier of endurance.

Ghosts - “The Ghost”

Robert Lowell envisions Cynthia’s fresh ghost: “A GHOST is someone: death has left a hole/For the lead-coloured soul to beat the fire: Cynthia leaves her dirty pyre.” Cynthia is undoubtedly departed, but her superficial ghost indicates that she is still an element of reality, although in a ghostly outline.

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