Roderick Hudson Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Roderick is essentially self-destructive artistic genius. Is this assertion true? Explain.

    Even though Roderick as an artist puts a lot of effort into his work and has got exemplary skills, it is this dedication that plays a role in making him unable to learn how to live his life accordingly. Outside of his sculpting studio, Hudson does not have any skill and the fact that he has not leant to be discipline in the outside world plays a destructive role in his studio. In this way, the assertion is can be argued as true.

  2. 2

    Show how the homosexual subtext is brought out in Roderick Hudson.

    Even though the same can be argued as unintended, a great portion of the work is focused on the insinuation and connotation of homosexuality particularly between the characters Rowland as well as Roderick. Even though the two men both have interests in women, the relationship between theme is the most dominant.

  3. 3

    Explore the character of Roderick Hudson as brought out in the novel.

    Hudson is a hardworking individual. First, he is in law school and enjoys working on art sculpting masterpieces so that he can make money to take care of himself and his mother. Additionally, the character is also quite extremely talented as brought out by the fact that he is able to sculpt magnificently and exemplarily well.

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