Rupert Brooke: Poems Characters

Rupert Brooke: Poems Character List


The character of a proud and patriotic soldier plays a central role in Brooke’s poems. His poems celebrate war because he considers war as something which gives inner peace to the combatants. The soldiers get the purpose of their life through war and they think that nothing can glorify them except fighting for their country which provides them freedom. the combatants in his poems believes that it is a blessing to die in the battlefield. In the poem “Peace”, which is a prayer of thanks to God, the soldier feels gratuitous for getting the opportunity of absolution through death for a good purpose and for being able to enter heaven.

The Narrator

Another prominent character in Rupert Brooke’s poems is the narrator of the poems, who tells about the experiences of soldiers at the battlefield that how they embrace death. In the poem “The Dead”, the character of the narrator informs the reader about the lives of the dead ones that how they lived lives that were full of both joys and cares and the death provided them the real purpose of their lives.

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