Seamus Heaney Poems Characters

Seamus Heaney Poems Character List

The Speaker - “Mid-Term Break”

The speaker is a college student who is the eldest child in his family. He is bereaved his infantile brother following a tragedy, whereby “the bumper knocked him clear.”

The Deceased -“Mid-Term Break”

The deceased (subject) is the speaker’s male sibling. An ambulance ferries his corpse home a day after the speaker’s advent.

The Speaker - “Elegy for a Still-Born Child”

The speaker is conversant with parents who had a still born child. The speaker commiserates the couple for their aspiration of being procreators were razed.

The Speaker -“Digging” and “Follower”

The speaker is a farmer’s son who delights in viewing as his father goes about ploughing the farm.

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