Shakespearean Tragedy Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the role of darkness in Macbeth, according to Bradley?

    Bradley writes that darkness "broods over this tragedy." He argues that there is a presence of darkness in the most memorable scenes of the play, including "the vision of the dagger, the murder of Duncan, the murder of Banquo, [and] the sleep-walking of Lady Macbeth." Overall, this presence of darkness promotes an atmosphere of fear and horror.

  2. 2

    What is the role of the Witches in Macbeth, according to Bradley?

    The main role of the witches, according to Bradley, is that they contribute to the atmosphere of the play, arguing that this "can hardly be exaggerated." However, this is where their role ends according to Bradley.

    Bradley disagrees with the argument that the Witches control the action of the play, saying that they are often "credited with far too great an influence upon the action." Instead, the Witches merely contribute to the action, symbolism, and imagery of the play.

  3. 3

    What is a "tragic flaw?"

    In this significant critical text, Bradley argues that a Shakespearean tragedy can be identified by the inclusion of a "tragic flaw." This is where the protagonist has a trait that leads to his downfall. For example, Macbeth's tragic trait might be his ambition, whereas Othello's tragic trait might be his jealousy.

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