Short Stories of Thomas Hardy Summary

Short Stories of Thomas Hardy Summary

The Unconquerable

This is a story about two best friends since childhood, Fadelle and Wingate. Both fall in love with same woman, Gertrude, but somehow, she accepts Wingate’s proposal before Fadelle could confess his love. Fiver years after his marriage, Wingate dies and his last wish was to have Fadelle write his biography. When Fadelle returns with manuscript (still having strong feelings for Gertrude), he observes that Gertrude is still deeply in love with her late husband. Gertrude shows him letters and documents of Wingate that she never went through. Fadelle finds out though them that Wingate had achieved everything in his life through deception and treachery. Fadelle is torn apart between telling Wingate’s reality to Gertrude or destroy the proof of his misdoings.

Alicia’s Diary

The story Alicia’s Diary is about Alicia, her sister and Charles, who was her sister Caroline’s fiancé. Charles keep postponing to marry Caroline. Caroline is dying because of Charles attitude towards her. Charles and Alicia falls in love with each other, but Alicia makes a deal that Charles will marry Caroline and if she dies, Alicia will be free to marry him. The marriage was only a pretension and it wasn’t legitimate marriage, just in case, Caroline later wishes not to marry Charles. They get married and Caroline lives on. Some time later, Charles dies and Caroline marries the man who had done the pretended marriage of Caroline and Charles. Caroline was deceived by almost everyone, yet someone they all repented by the end.

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