Siege and Storm Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Siege and Storm Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Light and Darkness

Light and Dark are key symbols in this series. Represented by Alina and The Darkling respectively, light and dark also represent goodness and evil. As such, this series is essentially a symbolic moral fight between goodness and evil.


Amplifiers are creatures who strengthen a person's powers. This is a key motif across Siege and Storm, and the rest of the series. Essentially, Alina is often looking for an amplifier to help her regain strength.


Alina essentially symbolizes goodness, courage, and strength. She has a good moral compass and fights for what is right, enduring some terrible situations.

Alina's powers

Alina's powers represent her uniqueness and the fact she is special. She has the ability to summon light, which is a very rare power to have.


Mal represents a supportive and loyal friend. He remains dedicated to Alina throughout the series, showing what great friendship can be like.

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