Day 2

Silas Marner Lesson Plan

Discussion of Thought Questions

  1. 1

    What does Marner’s response after he accuses Jem Rodney tell us about his character?

    Marner decided Jem Rodney was the one who stole his money in much the same way that Dunstan Cass decided Marner had fallen into the stone pits and thus no one would even know if he took the money; however, when presented with evidence to the contrary, Marner immediately apologized to Jem. Though the book does not spend much time on it, this is an important demonstration of Marner's character: he is willing to admit he is wrong and make amends for his mistakes. When compared to Godfrey or Dunstan, Marner is clearly of superior character.

  2. 2

    What did the landlord mean when he said some...

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