Snow Crash Irony

Snow Crash Irony

Tough guy

When Hiro is introduced in the first chapter, he is described as a tough guy, having a nice car and being allowed to have guns and swords on him. Taking all this into consideration, the reader would be inclined to believe that Hiro is a man given a dangerous job and that he deals with important things such as weapons and other illegal things. Ironically however, Hiro’s job is to deliver pizzas, an action that nowadays is not considered as being glamorous at all.

House in the metaverse

Hiro claims that he owns a tasteful house in the metaverse, something only the rich could afford since the metaverse was a place reserved exclusively for the rich. Considering this aspect, it is ironic to see that Hiro found himself in the position to have to work as a pizza delivery guy since he was wealthy enough to afford a house in a rich part of his world.

Scared of nudity

After Hiro enters the metaverse, Y.T. is arrested for her actions that caused the crash of numerous cars. The police officers wants to initially take her to a nice prison but when they realize that there are no more places in the prison they take her to a basement where they cuff her. On the way there, the police lets it be understood that they have the upper hand and that they will not be intimidated by Y.T. Ironically, Y.T. manages to intimidate them by simply getting undressed in front of them, an action that makes the police officers feel threatened, so they leave her alone.

Working for the feds

When the narrator reveals more information about Y.T., he mentions the fact that her mother is working for the government and that she is involved in secret projects. In comparison with the work Y.T. does, the work done by her mother is legal and promoted by the state. Because of this, it is ironic to see that Y.T. gets involved in illegal business while her mother works for the government trying to stop the said actions.

Who to call for help

At the concert where Y.T. and Hiro go, a man is murdered by being split into two. Initially, many people believed that the man was killed with a sword. Ironically, the person the police called to look at the body was Hiro himself, a man known for being the best swordsman. Because of his skills, he would have been the most qualified to kill the man and yet he was called to confirm the way the man was killed.

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