State of Fear Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the significance of the title ‘State of Fear’?

    This fictional book's title is symbolic because it represents people's fear of talking about global warming openly. According to the author, global warming is largely caused by political influence. The author does not reveal which countries lead in polluting the environment, but from his critics, the reader can conclude that the most developed countries are the primary culprits. In contrast, the less developed countries are the victims. Consequently, this book's title is vital because it gives the reader the courage to openly talk about climate change and advocate for green energy for sustainability.

  2. 2

    What is the symbolic meaning of the character, Peter Evans?

    Evans emblematically represents eco-terrorist organizations or institutions using scrupulous means to get away with their selfish interests. Such organizations are profit-oriented, and they take little concern for environmental sustainability. The reader realizes that Pater Evans is a lawyer who defends a group called EFL, which is in the frontline in emitting dangerous gases to the atmosphere, contributing to global warming. In reality, some people are behind in defending institutions and countries contributing to global warming. Mostly, the companies that pollute the environment are controlled by influential people in government. Consequently, political influence is behind global warming.

  3. 3

    Is climate change reality, according to Crichton?

    Despite the book ‘State of Fear' being illusory, the author talks about realities using fictional characters and organizations. Climate change is a reality, and the most influential organizations and countries are behind the global warming that has altered climatic patterns. For instance, developed countries are more industrialized, and they have many industries polluting the environment. However, such enterprises are controlled by powerful institutions in government. Ironically, the people behind global warming are in the frontline campaigning and drafting policies that should combat climate change.

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