Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk is Ben Fountain's groundbreaking debut war satire novel. Published in May 2012 by Ecco Press, the novel follows a group of war veterans as they go on a victory tour following an intensely violent firefight which by...

Before I Fall is Lauren Oliver's 2010 debut smash-hit young adult novel. This book follows a very popular high-school girl named Samantha ("Sam") as she is forced to relieve the day of her death - resulting from a tragic car accident - every day...

Art is a French comedy play by Yasmina Reza. The play has run in London’s West End Wyndham’s Theatre, Broadway at the Royale Theatre, and at the Comédie des Champs-Élysées in Paris, where the play had its premiere on October 28th, 1994. The...

Chris Kyle’s 2012 debut narrative American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History tells Kyle’s story as a Navy SEAL from 1999 – 2009, during which time he completed four tours in Iraq, as well as his childhood...

**Study Guide: *An American Childhood* by Annie Dillard** --- ###


*An American Childhood* is a memoir by Annie Dillard, published in 1987. It is a reflective and poetic narrative that explores Dillard's experiences growing up in...

Published in 1884, Ramona is an American novel written by Helen Hunt Jackson. The novel is set in Southern California after the Mexican-American War and is the story of a mixed-race Scottish-Native American orphan girl growing up in Southern...

The Butterfly Hotel is a collection of poetry by Trinidadian-British writer and activist Roger Robinson. The collection contains three sections, each about a different aspect of Robinson's life.

Raised in Trinidad, Robinson spent most of his adult...