Samantha Harvey's Orbital was published in late 2023 by Atlantic Monthly Press. Harvey's novel follows six men and women who are travelling across space and time. Although these astronauts at the center of the novel come from vastly different...

Sarah Perry's Enlightenment was published in June 2024 by Mariner Books. The novel, which is set in a small town in England, follows Thomas Hart and Grace Macaulay, who have never met but have a strange connection. Growing up in a Baptist...

Richard Powers' Playground was published by W.W. Norton & Company in September 2024. Powers' novel follows four seemingly separate characters, who deal with the earth and its intricacies in different ways. The first character, Evie Beaulieu,...

Almost immediately after its publication in May 2024, Claire Messud's This Strange Eventful History received buzz as a potential award winner. Messud's novel is set over the course of seventy years, from 1940 to 2010. It follows the pieds-noirs...

Oregon-born author Rachel Kushner has written some of the most widely-loved novels of the twenty-first century. Creation Lake, which was published in 2024 and earned rave critical reviews, is set to be as wildly successful as her previous work....

Anne Michael's award-nominated novel Held, which was published in early 2024, is set over the course of four generations and examines how one generation's actions can have long-lasting repercussions. The novel begins in 1917, at the tail end of...

At its center, Colin Barrett's debut novel Wild Houses, which was published in 2024, is about the lengths people will go to when they are desperate. Barrett's novel follows a young man named Dev Hendrick, whose life in Ireland up until the start...

"To Da-duh, in Memoriam" is Paule Marshall's short story, first published in 1967 but popularized by Marshall's collection Reena, and Other Stories, which was published in 1983. The short story is autobiographical in nature; it chronicles the...

After HarperCollins emerged victorious in its heated battle to publish R.F. Kuang's The Poppy War (2018), they moved quickly to publish the novel, which they thought would be an overnight success. The novel, which is set in 20th-century China,...

Over his long and illustrious career, Stephen King has written countless classic horror novels. One of those classic novels is Misery, which was published by Viking in 1987. At the center of the novel is the relationship between novelist Paul...

Author Katherine Mansfield's short story "A Cup of Tea" was first published in May 1922 as a part of pulp British magazine. The short story, which tells the story of a young woman named Rosemary Fell, was based on the author's own life. Rosemary...

The Bell Jar was first published in London in January 1963 by William Heinemann Limited publishers under the pseudonym Victoria Lucas, for Sylvia Plath questioned the literary value of the novel and did not believe that it was a "serious work."...

British novelist Kazuo Ishiguro's Klara and the Sun was published by Faber and Faber in 2021. As with many of Ishiguro's novel, Klara and the Sun imagines a future in which humans live in a dystopia. Here, children are genetically engineered and...

Author Adrian Nicole LeBlanc's idea for Random Family, which was published in 2003 by Scribner, was born out of her article for Newsday about the trial of an infamous heroin dealer named "Boy George," who became so wildly successful that many...

Along with Christopher Isherwood, British author Alan Hollinghurst is best known for brining gay literature into the mainstream. His most famous novel, The Line of Beauty, which was published in 2004, did just that for people across the world....

Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies is an ethnographic study written by anthropologist and physician Seth Holmes. It was published on 10th June 2013 by University of California Press. The book looks into the lives of migrant farmworkers from Mexico,...

“The Subjection of Women,” one of Mill’s most renowned essays, was published in 1869, and stands as one of the 19th century’s strongest calls for gender equality. In this essay, Mill argues that the inferior political status of women in comparison...

The Eyes and the Impossible is a middle-grade novel written by American writer Dave Eggers. It explores themes of friendship, freedom, and the natural world. This book, illustrated by Shawn Harris, was published in 2023 and has since received...

Five Little Indians is a historical fiction novel by Cree writer Michelle Good. HarperCollins published it in April 2020. The novel received several accolades including the Governor General’s Literary Award. Good developed the novel while pursuing...