Tableau (Countee Cullen poem)

Tableau (Countee Cullen poem) Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why are the two men unconcerned with outside perceptions of them?

    The two men at the center of the poem show no reaction to the disapproving comments and looks they receive on the street. In the speaker's view, this is because they show pride and openness in their relationship. The speaker compares them to a lightning bolt in the way that they move right past the indignation of onlookers. They seem to be unaffected by these people because they feel their relationship exists above their petty scrutiny.

  2. 2

    What does the speaker compare the couple to and what does this mean?

    The speaker compares the two men to day and night: "The golden splendor of the day, / The sable pride of night." This metaphor highlights both their difference in appearance and the mutual strength they derive from the relationship. It contrasts them with each other, but notes that they are equally radiant. What this comparison accomplishes does is set up parallel images of both men, while ultimately showing that they have found equivalence and harmony within the solidity of their connection.

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