Intermediate Accounting (16th Edition)

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 1118743202
ISBN 13: 978-1-11874-320-1

Chapter 1 - Financial Accounting and Accounting Standards - Review and Practice - Concepts For Analysis - Page 26: CA1-15


a) The ethical issue relates to the violation of GAAPs. The violation would result in making misleading accounting entries in the records. b) Troy Normand's behavior is proper and moral because he admits to raising concerns about the potential repercussions of making “high-level late” entries that are not justifiable. If he were immoral, he would not have considered resigning the moment he realized that he was being asked to violate accounting standards by manipulating accounting records. His testimony demonstrates that he is not covering up for financial fraud. c I would not have made any unjustifiable entries if I were Troy Normand. Moreover, I would have quit on time before it got to the point of litigation. d. Internal stakeholders include employees such as Troy Normand. External stakeholders include Sprint shareholders, Sprint company, and creditors.  

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a) The ethical issue relates to the violation of GAAPs. The violation would result in making misleading accounting entries in the records. b) Troy Normand's behavior is proper and moral because he admits to raising concerns about the potential repercussions of making “high-level late” entries that are not justifiable. If he were immoral, he would not have considered resigning the moment he realized that he was being asked to violate accounting standards by manipulating accounting records. His testimony demonstrates that he is not covering up for financial fraud. c I would not have made any unjustifiable entries if I were Troy Normand. Moreover, I would have quit on time before it got to the point of litigation. d. Internal stakeholders include employees such as Troy Normand. External stakeholders include Sprint shareholders, Sprint company, and creditors.  
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