A Conduct of Light (Metaphor)
“It may be that you are not yourself luminous, but you are a conductor of light,” said Dr. Watson. He means that Sherlock is a sensible and intelligent person, who is ready to help solve problems in need. And this light, which he gains, is a wisdom and mutual understanding.
A Picker Up of Shells (Metaphor)
“A dabbler in science, Mr. Holmes, a picker up of shells on the shores of the great unknown ocean.” This metaphor doesn’t mean that Sherlock goes for a stroll to pick up shells in the ocean. It means that that Sherlock receives small pieces of knowledge and enlarges his ideas. These shells are pieces of knowledge.
Wind Crying (Simile)
“As evening drew in, the storm grew higher and louder, and the wind cried and sobbed like a child in the chimney.”
The author compares nature with human behaviors. The wind is so loud like the child’s scream when somebody takes away the bon-bon.
The Blue Carbuncle (Simile)
“Holmes unlocked his strong-box and held up the blue carbuncle, which shone out like a star, with a cold, brilliant, many-pointed radiance.”
The author compares the blue carbuncle with a star to inspire the imagination with blazing imagery. It underlines the unique beauty of the precious stone.
Consultation (Metaphor)
"Yes, I rather think he is coming to consult me professionally. I think I recognize the symptoms."
Holmes makes a joke to Watson on the basis of Watson's being a doctor, comparing his ability to discern others' intentions and identities as a detective to the diagnostic ability of a doctor.