The Antichrist Imagery

The Antichrist Imagery

Only the misguided as Christians

Another important image presented in the book is that of the people who believe in Christianity as being comparable to sick people. The narrator cannot believe that a person who is sane and happy would willingly become a Christian. Thus, the narrator portrays the people who chose this religion as being affected in one way or another.

Humans as coward animals

In the book, humans are often described as being animals. However, what is important is the way in which humans are portrayed among the other animals, namely as being cowards in comparison with the other animals in the world. As a result, humans developed the intelligence to use elements around them not used by the rest of the animals. Thus, according to this, our intelligence is not a sign of superiority but rather of cowardice.

Humans as degenerates

Another important image that appears in the book is that of humans as degenerates. The reason why the narrator portrays humans in such a way is because they became mindless people who do not think for themselves and only follow what they are told. For the narrator, this means that the people he comes into contact with are degenerate and weak.

Superior people

In the Preface, the author addresses the readers and talks about them as a new class of people, distinct from every other person that exists in this world. Here, the author describes his readers as special people, a new class of people who distinguish themselves from the others through their superior intelligence and will to know. Thus, the readers are portrayed here as a superior breed of people, a category that stands out from the crowd.

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