The Art of Travel Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why is Alain de Botton putting more focus on the significance of the journey rather than the logistics of travel and destination?

    According to Botton, many people misapprehend the significance of travel and put more emphasis on travel logistics. Based on Botton’s experience, traveling to new destinations can be disappointing if one’s psychological needs are not met. Botton argues that it is vital for an individual to ensure that he has peace of mind before visiting new places for fun. Some people think that traveling to new destinations can help them heal from melancholy but they end up getting disillusioned. Therefore, it is imperative for one to know the importance of his journey before embarking on logistics and the destination of travel.

  2. 2

    Why is Charles Baudelaire dissatisfied with his Indian trip?

    Botton relates his travel experiences to that of Charles Baudelaire who visited India with anticipation that the journey could heal his depression. Charles Baudelaire is in denial that travel can bring disenchantment instead of ecstasy. He postulates that the only way a poet can get happy and satisfied away from the society that does not appreciate his work is through traveling. He decides to travel to India so that he can heal from depression but unfortunately, he returns more thwarted. Before leaving for India, Charles Baudelaire does not first satisfy his psychological needs and that is why he ends up being disappointed.

  3. 3

    What is the meaning of the title ‘The Art of Travel’?

    All the essays under the title The Art of Travel are about travel experiences by Botton and other western authors. The title is symbolic because it implies that traveling must have a purpose in one’s life. For instance, the search for happiness and satisfaction can only be achieved if an individual first satisfies psychological needs. In this regard, Botton considers travel as an art that should not be based only on logistics and destination.

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