The Beggar's Opera

The Beggar's Opera Character List


Runner of a criminal highwaymen syndicate and father to Polly, Peachum is a man of great responsibility. His subordinates rely on him for either their freedom or imprisonment, since he often uses his connections to send a man to the gallows in exchange for reward money. He is also Mrs. Peachum's "common-law" husband and Lockit's frequent partner.


Lockit is the jailer of Newgate Prison, and Lucy's father. He is Peachum's business partner, running with his subordinates a lesser degree of syndicate than Peachum does.


An incurable ladies' man, Captain Macheath is a charming highway robber, loved both by his compatriots and the ladies. Before the play begins, he married Polly Peachum. He possesses great sangfroid and a rather generous spirit.


Filch is a lesser henchman to Peachum, and a confidant of both Polly and Mrs. Peachum. He does not keep secrets well.

Jemmy Twitcher

Jemmy is a criminal in Macheath's gang.

Crook-Finger’d Jack

Jack is a criminal in Macheath's gang.

Wat Dreary

Wat is a criminal in Macheath's gang.

Robin of Bagshot

Robin is a criminal in Macheath's gang.

Nimming Ned

Ned is a criminal in Macheath's gang.

Henry Paddington

Henry is a criminal in Macheath's gang.

Matt of the Mint

Matt is a criminal in Macheath's gang, and one of Macheath's close friends. He gives a rousing, Robin Hood-like speech about the relationship between thieving and the redistribution of wealth.

Ben Budge

Ben is a criminal in Macheath's gang, and a close friend to Macheath. He supports Matt of the Mint in Matt's socialistic sentiments.


The Beggar is the opera's author (within the play), and a proud man of the streets. He and the Player introduce the piece, and reappear in the penultimate scene to discuss and revise the story's ending.


The Player is the Beggar's friend and proponent. Together, they introduce the play, and reappear in the penultimate scene to discuss and revise the story's ending.

Mrs. Peachum

Wife of Peachum and mother of Polly, Mrs. Peachum understands and reinforces her husband's authority. She is pragmatic and rarely gets emotional, though there are notable exceptions to this.


Polly Peachum is Macheath's wife, and the lovesick daughter of Peachum and Mrs. Peachum. Throughout the play, her devotion to Macheath never wavers. She is naive and self-obsessed.

Lucy Lockit

Lucy is a Macheath's jilted ex-lover and daughter to the jailer Lockit. Though she despises Macheath for ruining her without marrying her, she continually endeavors to win him back at Polly's expense. Her incredible passion is generally spent on spitefulness.

Diana Trapes

Diana is one of the women in Peachum's gang, and a companion to Macheath. She is at the top of the female gang hierarchy, acting as a sort of madame. She is smart, self-serving and long-suffering.

Mrs. Coaxer

Mrs. Coaxer is one of the women in Peachum's gang, and a companion to Macheath. Macheath is a client in her bed when he is finally apprehended.

Dolly Trull

Dolly is one of the women in Peachum's gang, and a companion to Macheath.

Mrs. Vixen

Mrs. Vixen is one of the women in Peachum's gang, and a companion to Macheath.

Betty Doxy

Betty is one of the women in Peachum's gang, and a companion to Macheath.

Jenny Diver

Jenny is one of the women in Peachum's gang, and a companion to Macheath. She and Suky Tawdry conspire with Peachum to entrap Macheath. She is coy and self-obsessed.

Mrs. Slammekin

Mrs. Slammekin is one of the women in Peachum's gang, and a companion to Macheath.

Suky Tawdry

Suky Tawdry is one of the women in Peachum's gang, and a companion to Macheath. She and Jenny Diver conspire with Peachum to entrap Macheath.

Molly Brazen

Molly is one of the women in Peachum's gang, and a companion to Macheath.


The drawer is a minor character who attends Macheath in Act II.

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