The Bridge Characters

The Bridge Character List

Christopher Columbus

Columbus is featured in Part 1 of the poem. Crane points out that Columbus' grand discovery of America was pure accident. Whatever he is credited with is really more due to fate than to the man.


Pocahontas is the daughter of the warlord chief Powhatan. Recounted in various books, folktales, and movies, Pocahontas is alleged to have saved an Englishman's life by placing herself in a position to die. Her father spares the man, and she eventually travels to England as a representative of her people.

Rip Van Winkle

Rip Van Winkle belongs to a Dutch folktale. He was a grumpy old man who falls asleep for decades. When he awakens, all of his friends have died and their children are adults. Nobody remembers him, and he is forced to recognize the relative anonymity of his existence.


In the Judeo-Christian tradition, Eve is the first woman whom God created. She is formed from Adam's rib to be his companion and helper. She is considered the mother of humanity, hence the name. It is she who first ate the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and gave it to Adam to eat.

The Virgin Mary

Mary the mother of Jesus Christ was a young teenage girl when an angel appeared to her announcing her impending immaculate conception. She gave birth to Jesus as a virgin and raised him with Joseph in Nazareth. In the Catholic tradition she is revered for her faith, and many Catholics pray to her for intercession and favor.

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene also appears in the Bible. She is a follower of Jesus during his ministry in Jerusalem. She also is depicted in attendance of the Last Supper, at Jesus' right hand side.


Venus is the Roman goddess of love and fertility. She is doubtless based upon the Greek goddess Aphrodite.

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