The Changeling Quotes


“Women only like jerks.’ That’s the mantra of dudes who have made themselves undateable but aren’t willing to take the blame.”


The quote is a statement made by Patrice in response to witnessing William Wheeler's eccentric behavior, specifically his choice to drink a large bottle of Tab soda. Patrice uses this statement to highlight a common misconception among certain men who struggle in their dating lives. He suggests that these men often blame women for their romantic failures, claiming that women only choose "jerks" as partners. Patrice argues that this belief is a defense mechanism employed by men who have become undateable due to various personal flaws such as a lack of self-awareness, poor social skills, or eccentric behavior like Wheeler's.

“People tell little lies to get by. That goes for marriage and friendships, too.”

The Narrator

This quote highlights the idea that individuals often resort to telling small, seemingly harmless lies to maintain their relationships and navigate the complexities of human interaction. Apollo reflects on the fact that Patrice had kept a secret about his fear of basements from both him and Dana. Apollo's contemplation goes beyond mere surface-level observations as he begins to question the cumulative effect of these small deceptions, suggesting that when relationships are built on a foundation of such falsehoods, they can evolve into a "prison of falsehoods."

“To her, a life without books wasn’t living. Even out here Emma wanted the kids to read. She couldn’t stop being a librarian. The kids appreciated it. Some of the other women felt judged.”


This quote emphasizes Emma's deep love for books and her unwavering commitment to sharing the world of literature with the children on the island. Her dedication to nurturing a reading culture in a remote and challenging environment demonstrates her belief in the transformative power of literature and education. While the children on the island appreciate her efforts, the mention that "some of the other women felt judged" suggests that Emma's passion for books might have made some people uncomfortable or self-conscious possibly because they didn't share her same enthusiasm or were aware of their limitations.

“A household like that will either break you or toughen you up. Maybe both."

The Narrator

The quote reflects the challenging and tumultuous upbringing that Brian West had in his family. It suggests that growing up in a dysfunctional and troubled household characterized by unromantic parents who were alcoholics could have profound effects on an individual. It implies that such an environment can either emotionally and psychologically damage a person to the point of being 'broken' or instill in them a sense of resilience and strength, effectively 'toughening them up.' The phrase "Maybe both" acknowledges that the impact of such a household can be complex and an individual may experience a combination of vulnerability and strength as they navigate their way through life.

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