"The Comet" and Other Shorter Writings Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

"The Comet" and Other Shorter Writings Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The comet

The story is set up with a comet falling on New York City and killing everyone aside from Jim and Julia. It reveals that this is the only scenario in which Jim, an African-American lower class worker and Julia, an upper class white woman can be in each other company. The comet consequently symbolizes this racial and social divide.


Following the comet and its consequences the entire city has fallen into deafening silence. Jim is filled with fear walking through the lifeless city and witnessing the aftermath. Silence is here a symbol of death, the extinguishing of life and impending evil.

The name Jim

Considering the author’s life and his work it would be senseless to assume that the name itself doesn’t hold a much greater meaning. Every part of the story is set out to have a cause in delivering the larger message. The name Jim holds a much greater meaning as a symbol of racial oppression and hatred.

The creation of life

Realizing that they are the only ones left alive, Jim and Julia overcome every racial and social obstacle and have a mutual, “divine” thought about the creation of life, thinking their situation comparable to Adam and Eve.

"She was primal woman; mighty mother of all men to come and Bride of Life."

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