The Danger of a Single Story Characters

The Danger of a Single Story Character List

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Adichie is the central character, a woman who has developed an authentic cultural voice after she learns the importance of the two-sided story. Adichie is an intelligent and ambitious young woman who starts to explore her potential from a young age. Adichie started reading books at the age of two. Throughout her childhood, Adichie read European and American children's literature, which gave her a biased perspective about Africa.

While growing up, Adichie interacted with people who believed a single story that made them make wrong assumptions. For instance, Adichie describes her mother's perception of Fade, their houseboy. The mother believed that Fade came from a low-income family and he had no capability of changing his status. However, Adichie dismantled that assumption when she visited Fade's home and discovered he comes from a generation of talented people who could make beautiful baskets. Throughout her adult life, Adichie learned to appreciate both sides of the coin before making conclusions about others and countries.


Polle is Adichie's cousin who dies due to inadequate healthcare. Nothing much about Polle is narrated, but Adichie uses him as an illustration to show government failures in Nigeria. Some assumptions about Africa's mismanagement of healthcare are factual. Adichie says that the Nigerian government has corrupt leaders who do not prioritize healthcare because they steal public resources. When Polle falls ill, he is taken to a hospital that does not have adequate medication and facilities that can save his life.

Muhtar Bakare

Muhtar Bakare is a renowned publisher in Nigeria that Adichie uses as an illustration to show Africa's entrepreneurial spirit and excellence. Muhtar Bakare is intelligent and ambitious because he wants to achieve bigger goals in life. Muhtar Bakare resigned from his banking career to establish a successful publishing company. Muhtar Bakare's illustration shows that Africans are intelligent and can achieve success given a humble business environment and opportunities.

The unnamed female lawyer

The unnamed female lawyer is a close friend of Adichie. The woman lawyer is a fearless person who pursues her career and stands for justice. The objective of the unnamed woman lawyer is to fight for women's rights in a male-dominated society. For instance, the lawyer challenges the legislation that requires all women to consult their husbands before they renew their passports.


Fide is the houseboy employed by Adichie's parents to help in the house. Fide is a humble and composed boy focused on accomplishing his tasks. Fide comes from a low-income family in the village. Adichie's mother reminds her that Fide is a poor boy, incapable of changing his situation. Adichie believes her mother, but she changes the narrative when she discovers that Fade is talented and can change his status if allowed to exploit his potential.

Adichie’s roommate

Adichie's roommate is a white student who believes that Africa is poor and its people are incapable of attaining success. At first, the roommate cannot believe that Adichie speaks English fluently. Adichie's roommate believes in a single story that portrays Africa as a primitive jungle where people are poor, sick, and corrupt.

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