The Diamond Age, Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer Characters

The Diamond Age, Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer Character List


Nell, short for Nellodee, is one of two main characters of the novel. She is born without a phyle but is able to climb the social ladder and establish a new phyle with the aid of the Primer that she manages to obtain.


Harv, short for Harvard, is Nell's older brother. He is the one who protected Nell as she was growing up and who stole the Primer for her.


Nell and Harv's mother. Like them, she is also without a phyle and has been relegated to the lower castes of society.


Bud is Tequila's boyfriend. He is put to death for his crime of mugging another individual of a higher social class.

John Percival Hackworth

A nanotech engineer, he is also the inventor of the Primer. He illegally steals a copy of the Primer for his daughter as well.

Fiona Hackworth

Fiona is John's daughter for whom he steals the primer.

Lord Alexander Chung-Sik Finkle-McGraw

A high ranking member of society who originally commissions the production of the Primer for his granddaughter.

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