The Fall Background

The Fall Background

The Fall is a fictional, philosophical novel written by Albert Camus and was published in 1956 by Vintage Books publishing company. It has been translated and released in both English and French copies.

The novel is made up of numerous dramatic monologues as it follows the biography of Judge Jean-Baptiste Clamence. The novel explores the fall of man as Clamence comments upon his highly successful life being destroyed once he fell from grace. There are multiple allusions to the biblical story The Fall of Man in the Garden of Eden and Camus seems to be referencing the concept that human nature is inherently weak and succumbs to evil temptations.

Multiple themes are explored in the novel, including innocence, truth and imprisonment. There are also various references to the French Resistance throughout the novel. Philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre has described the novel as "perhaps the most beautiful and the least understood" of Camus' books.

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