The Friends Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why is Phyllisia feeling lonely and rejected by her father?

    The reader notes that Phyllisia is an intelligent lady who is looking forward to gaining her father's approval. However, her father is not interested in her astuteness and ingenuity. Ironically, the father is interested in obedience and good behavior things that Phyllisia does not possess. As a result, Phyllisia has found herself lonely because she feels rejected.

  2. 2

    Are Edith and Phyllisia brought together by fate?

    Both Phyllisia and Edith seem to have many things in common. Edith is the only friend Phyllisia has in school because she is not judgmental. Unlike other students who hate Phyllisia, Edith is willing to bond with her for long-term friendship. The other thing that brings Edith and Phyllisia together is that they share similar quandaries. Both girls witness the death of their parents at an early age. Consequently, these two girls are indeed brought together by fate.

  3. 3

    Which tragedies befall Phyllisia in her lifetime?

    Multiple tragedies befall Phyllisia in several circumstances. Firstly, she feels rejected by her family because she does not get the much parental love she is longing for. Secondly, her family's relocation to a new place which adds misery to her life because she is still young and she finds it difficult to cope. For instance, when she joins school in the new place, she is ridiculed and despised by almost all students except Edith. She also realizes that her father is still dismissive of her longing for love and attention.

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