The Gay Science Quotes


“Whether I look with a good or an evil eye upon men, I find them always at one problem, each and all of them: to do that which conduces to the conservation of the human species. And certainly not out of any sentiment of love for this species, but simply because nothing in them is older, stronger, more inexorable and more unconquerable than that instinct,-because it is precisely the essence of our race and herd.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

The ‘life instinct’ is the fundamental agent which underwrites the survival of humanity. Without the instinct humans would mislay the will to endure. Moreover, the instinct differentiates humans from other species and affirms their superiority. The instinct is innate in all the humans and it is very powerful and compelling.

“A society in which corruption takes a hold is blamed for effeminacy: for the appreciation of war, and the delight in war, perceptibly diminish in such a society, and the conveniences of life are now just as eagerly sought after as were military and gymnastic honours formerly.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

War is deleterious to the being of humans; accordingly, the endorsement of war is a prime indicator of the inherent corruption of humanity. The metaphorical effeminacy endorses the notion that females are the prime foundations of corruption in the society.

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