The Giving Tree

The Giving Tree Analysis

The Giving Tree is about a tree that loves a little boy. They spent hours and hours together. The boy would “Gather her leaves” “Climb up her trunk” “Swing from her branches” and “Eat apples”. They both were very happy. After a while the boy starts getting older and almost forgets about the tree. The boy moves on with his life and finds someone else to love.

The boy grows out of these childish things and is almost seem like he doesn't even care about the tree any longer. When the boy comes back one day, the tree still unconditionally loves the boy. She gives him her apples, her branches, and her trunk. At this point the tree is nothing but an old stump. Still she wants to give more even though she has nothing.

This tender, warm hearted story about loving someone unconditionally no matter what, is a great lesson to all ages. Even when the tree is left with almost nothing she still tries to give something to the boy that she loved. The motto of the story is no matter what happens or even if it seems like the person you love forgets about you or doesn't treat you well, never stop loving them. And even if it seems like you have nothing left, no matter what always give and you will feel happy.

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