The Golden Bough Characters

The Golden Bough Character List

James George Frazer

As with many philosophical books, there are no real characters. Therefore, the person with the philosophy is a character in himself or herself. Frazer would be the main character and protagonist of the novel, since his ideas are the main ones and he drives what goes on in the essays he wrote himself. The thoughts of Frazer relate the two parties of religious and scientific ideas, and he describes how the human mind has evolved through the eras to have these kinds of thoughts.


Religion is one of the ideas in this book by James Frazer, and it evolves throughout human history. Starting with the explanation of magic, people needed something to figure out what was going on in their world, so they turned to religion. However, religion's successor is science, making way for a whole new era of understanding the world, that is, in the words of Frazer.


Frazer writes that science is the newest step in the human explanatory thought process. We have reached this conclusion today, as we begin to explain more and more things that seemed unexplainable before with science. Since the main idea of the book is that science and religion are similar in certain ways, science is a thought process that our species has developed and will continue to develop for years to come.

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