The Golem Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Golem Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Lawnmower (symbol)

Mr. and Mrs. Gumbeiner have a large lawn near the house. Therefore, they constantly cut the lawn with their lawnmower. To cut the lawn is a tedious task, but Mr. Gumbeiner forces himself to do this work. With the golem’s appearance, he orders the android to do this tiresome work. Nevertheless, the lawnmower is a tool of work that symbolizes labor and perseverance.

Slave for people (allegory)

The golem is a variant of the Jewish monster: legend says the golem was created to protect the Jews from persecution. A golem is an anthropoid clay figure, which is alive to be a “servant” for people and an “instrument” of God’s will. The Name of the Most High is inscribed on its forehead. If this word is erased, the golem will turn into a terrible threat and will not obey. In this way, the golem is an allegory of a “slave, who can acquire freedom at any moment”.

Enmity (motif)

Who would have thought that androids could help people and even replace human labor in the future? Well, while the future has not yet come in Davidson’s story, we see how the unruly golem is trying to destroy everything and everyone around. The golem is a monster and hence no one can stop it. It seems that the enmity between the golem and the person is endless, but the author dots the I’s and cross the t’s. We see that humanity wins. It is thanks to reality. This person is real. He has all the feelings, emotions, and intelligence, due to which there is a keenness of wit that helps to anticipate everything.

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