The Hero With a Thousand Faces Metaphors and Similes

The Hero With a Thousand Faces Metaphors and Similes


The metaphor of a dragon has been used for the grim circumstances, through which a hero pass during his journey. The dragon stands for the tragedies and challenges that spur a man to move forward. During the journey from ignorance to self—awareness, a man has to face something which would become the reason for change in himself. If there would be no dragons, the journey would be smooth, there would be no challenge so consequently there would be no change. On the other hand, if a man would fight the dragons that come in his path, he would reach his destination. The narrator says, “As he crosses threshold after threshold, conquering dragon after dragon, the stature of the divinity that he summons to his highest wish increases, until it subsumes the cosmos.”

Taming of Demons

The wishes and desires of human beings have been metaphorically described as the demons of human beings. The narrator says, "It is only when a man tames his own demons that he becomes the king of himself if not of the world. Usually the animals are tamed but here the author has asked to tame the demons in order to gain control over one’s own self. The demons are the obstacles which halt a person from moving on his journey. The demons are the desires of confining within the comfort zone which prohibits a person from going out of them. So, it is necessary to sacrifice these demons sincerely in order to rule with contentment.


The hometown is the place where a man lives comfortably. It can be the home of a person or any dwelling place where a man does not worry about anything. It is after leaving this comfort zone that a man sets on a journey of becoming a best version of himself. If a man does not leave this place, he would not be able to learn anything. According to the author it is inevitable to leave the pace which is metaphorically described as a hometown and it is necessary to shatter all the semblances of safe zone.

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