The High King Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The High King Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Dyrnwyn (a magical sword)

Dyrnwyn is a symbol of power. Throughout the novel, every leader is struggling to possess the magical sword. Leaders use the magical sword to create deathless soldiers and to disguise themselves to evade enemies. Arawn steals the magical sword from Gwydion and uses it to disguise himself as Taran. While Gwydion travels to Taran's proposal party, Arawn attacks the convoy because he hides his identity. Gwydion and Taran pursue Arawn and repossess the magical sword.

Elemental creatures

The elementary creatures symbolize the end of King Math's rule. The elementary creatures show allegiance to Taran and no longer believe in King Math's ideologies and oppressive rule. The elementary creatures promise Taran their support in the intended revolution against Taran.

The destruction of Caer Dathyl city

The destruction of Caer Dathyl city symbolizes the crowning of Prince Gwydion as the new High King of the kingdom. Caer Dathyl has been the strongest political capital of High King Math. When Gwydion starts the war against his enemies, he believes the city's fall will be a positive signal of his kingship. After the city is exploded and destroyed, Prince Gwydion is crowned as the new High King.

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