The Hours Quotes


“Evan and I are staying in town this weekend.”


Walter says this statement in response to Clarissa's question regarding his whereabouts in New York City. Clarissa is hopeful that she will feature in a book by a prominent writer, but her dreams are slowly dying because the book is not forthcoming. The interaction between Clarissa and Walter reminds her that there is a lot she can do in life than being featured in a book that is never materialized.

"Do you think he'd feel like coming to our place this evening? We are having a little party for Richard in honor of the Carruthers Prize.”


Clarissa is optimistic that Evan can attend a party in honor of Richard. According to Walter, he stays with Evan for a while in New York before returning to his duties. However, Evan loves dancing, which attracts Clarissa, who wants to have him around at the party she expects to attend soon.

“It is not some annual thing. They have no quota to fill, like the Nobel and all those others. They simply award it when they become aware of someone whose career seems undeniably significant.”


Clarissa is trying to explain to Walter the meaning and significance of the party in which Richard is to be honored with a Nobel Prize. The price is given on a quota basis to most outstanding people like Richard, whose careers are undeniably significant.

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