Jack is the main antagonist and he a prolific serial killer who goes under the guise of the moniker name, "Mr. Sophistication." He truly lacks all empathy and does not care who he kills, including innocent children. He seems to be unmotivated by most of his murders and seems to relish in the act of killing his victim in creative ways.
Verge is bases on the Roman poet, Virgil, who features in Dante's Divine Comedy, as a guide through Hell. Indeed, he follows Jack through the nine circles of Hell and allows him to explain why he committed such murders, hoping and failing to see any sense of remorse or redemption within him.
Jacqueline is Jack’s former girlfriend, who he seems to lack respect for and calls ‘Simple.’ He confesses his crimes to her, knowing that she would not believe him. However, she begins to become suspicious of him and attempts to warn a police officer that she is at risk. However, Jack manages to kill her by chopping off her breasts and leaving one for the police officer to find.