The Kreutzer Sonata

The Kreutzer Sonata Analysis

The Kreutzer Sonata” is an almost desperate experiment to change people, in which Leo Tolstoy hardly believes. He puts truth into a mad's mouth and he would like to see this truth in people, he sincerely believes that truth would make these people happier... but they miscalculate. The story is clearly written for immature people, who follow Christian morality, but who suffer from the inapplicability of these dogmas in their life. This classic novella affects them. For the rest, it remains a fictional universe of relationships, where a woman is averted to intercourse even with a hint, and all men are unconscious slave owners.

Tolstoy addresses an important topic - the insincerity of marriage, which is not the result of what the heart tells, but rather a sequence of the usual "this is so necessary", "that is what everyone says." He discusses the nature of marriage - its main motives, which are based on it, goals, which the author tries to achieve, and its Christian component, which Tolstoy also disputes. The hero, and afterwards the author himself, reviews other topics related to sex education, childbirth and other issues in the epilogue. He tries to justify and rationalize all his convictions, while not resorting to religious arguments too much. Something seems irrelevant, but something is very close, for example, that children should be raised not for our own benefit and pleasure, but in such a way that worthy members of society would be formed of them.

Time is very terrible, when it forms persons like Pozdnyshev. Tolstoy shows his arguments about purity and "pig life", about doctors and the purpose of women, and all these statements are so controversial that one does not know how to express the aftertaste of the book. The main character makes his choice to see filth, mess and debauchery everywhere. He adheres to the most extreme point of view, rejecting sexuality in any of its forms. Thus, Pozdnyshev tortures himself every day, and this inability to achieve ideal will be destroying him until he commits something irreparable.

The novella is primarily interesting due to its philosophy and reasoning, but at the same time there is an interesting plot and interesting characters, about whom the reader will want to make inquiries. And of course the atmosphere that is crazy and tense becomes an integral part of impressions. Tolstoy acts as a philosopher in this novella, who condemns the generally accepted morality of the institution of marriage. He is sure that the characters are unhappy because of this reason.

Constant comparison with animals and attitude to marriage and sexuality, as if this is something vile and disgusting seem ridiculous and sanctimonious nowadays. At that time, the thoughts of Leo Tolstoy were scandalous and discussed, but nowadays it is not so critical. However, there is one thing that will never change - thoughts about marriage without love, couples living just like Pozdnyshev (constant quarrels, desire to hurt each other bad, annoyance, hostility to each other). This book leads to chastity.

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