The Liar Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    According to Baraka, what leads to a state of fear and confusion in an individual?

    According to Baraka, self-deception and identity crisis are two leading reasons that lead people to confusion and fear. In the poem 'The Liar,' the author focuses explicitly on self-deception among people. The poem's speaker is not aware of his character, and he is constantly preoccupied with fear. Additionally, the speaker is not aware of his identity, which further escalates his confusion. Therefore, the author of this poem people advises people to be aware of their identity and understand who they are to avoid fear and confusion.

  2. 2

    Is the poem highlighting the plight of the Black people in America?

    The poem highlights that over the years, black people in America have been treated as second-class citizens. For instance, the poem takes back readers to the early 1960s when black people were fighting for equal treatment. During the early centuries, racism in America was worse than what is witnessed today. However, starting 1960s, the black people in America began fighting for their rights, and today we have a better America despite the rare incidences of racism. For instance, today, black Americans can vote, run businesses and attend the best learning institutions, which promises a better future for blacks in America.

  3. 3

    How satirical is the title of this poem?

    The title of this poem is 'The Liar, ' which symbolizes the speaker's inability to express himself due to confusion and self-deception. However, the entire verse reveals the truth about the lives of Black Americans. The poem provides critical incidences that have made blacks fully exploit their potential. Despite the speaker's feeling that he cannot truthfully tell what he feels, readers can make a sound conclusion that the poem's message is a true reflection of black Americans.

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