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The Little Foxes

The Little Foxes Glossary

avaricious (adjective)

greedy for money and material gains.

maligned (adjective)

spoken about in a spitefully critical manner.

negro (noun)

A now-dated and offensive term referring to someone with dark skin.

port (noun)

a strong, sweet, typically dark red fortified wine, originally from Portugal, typically drunk as a dessert wine.

invest (verb)

expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material result by putting it into financial schemes, shares, or property, or by using it to develop a commercial venture.

frozen fruit cream (noun)

An outdated term for a fruit-flavored ice cream.

Wagner (proper noun)

a German composer, theatre director, polemicist, and conductor who is chiefly known for his operas.

magpie (noun)

a long-tailed crow with boldly marked (or green) plumage and a raucous voice. A term used in similes or comparisons to refer to a person who collects things, especially things of little use or value, or a person who chatters idly.

Rembrandt (proper noun)

a 17th-century Dutch draughtsman, painter and printmaker.

zinnia (noun)

an American plant of the daisy family, which is widely cultivated for its bright showy flowers.

plantation (noun)

an estate on which crops such as coffee, sugar, and tobacco are cultivated by resident labor.

scuppernongs (noun)

a variety of the muscadine grape native to the basin of the Scuppernong River in North Carolina.

traipse (verb)

walk or move wearily or reluctantly.

bond (noun)

a certificate issued by a government or a public company promising to repay borrowed money at a fixed rate of interest at a specified time.

cameo (noun)

a piece of jewelry, typically oval in shape, consisting of a portrait in profile carved in relief on a background of a different color.

grits (noun)

a dish of coarsely ground corn kernels boiled with water or milk.

buggy (noun)

a small motor vehicle, typically with an open top.

Yellow Fever (proper noun)

a tropical viral disease affecting the liver and kidneys, causing fever and jaundice and often fatal. It is transmitted by mosquitoes.

ninny (noun)

foolish person.

elderberry (noun)

the bluish-black or red berry of the elder, used especially for making jelly or wine.