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The Little Stranger Irony

The Little Stranger Irony

The house party

Caroline's family hosts a party in the hope of matchmaking to link Caroline to a stable young man to help the family financially. Caroline's family has been struggling in the past financially, and they hope that by marrying her off to a rich family, they will get financial support. Paradoxically, the part turns out to be catastrophic because Caroline's dog bites a child, and Roderick's mood turns sad abruptly due to stress. Therefore, the party ends without meeting its anticipated objective.

Strange happenings in Caroline’s home

A home is the best place to be despite experiencing financial challenges and illness. Ironically, Caroline's home turns out to be something different. Instead of peace and tranquility, strange things are happening. For instance, childish writings start appearing on the walls. The bells alerting house cleaners of their duties start ringing without anyone pressing the button. The combination of strange things happening in the house makes it inhabitable, which is paradoxical.

Mrs. Ayres suicide

Mrs. Ayers hangs herself on the claim that the spirit of her dead daughter has been hunting her. According to Mrs. Ayers, the strange childish writings on the house walls are Susan's reminding the family that she is still part of the house. However, it is ironic that Mrs Aryes kills herself to reunite with her daughter forgetting that she still has other children alive who need her more. For instance, Roderick is very sick, and she needs her even more.

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