The London Merchant Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why does Sarah continue to associate with George after he does not manage to steal from Thorowgood?

    Sarah has intended to persuade George to steal from his boss, and is none too happy when it turns out that he is not going to be able to. She is ready to stop seeing George, but remembers that he mentioned an uncle who is rather well-off financially. This immediately makes her interest in George pique again, but she also realizes that if he was reluctant to steal from his boss then he is highly unlikely to want to steal from his uncle. This is why she comes up with the story of impending eviction.

    Sarah continues to associate with George because she knows he has no spine and is not capable of standing up to her. He is so frightened that someone will find out about his staying overnight with her that he is willing to do almost anything to avoid this becoming public. Sarah continues to cultivate George's company because she is confident she can manipulate him into getting her money by nefarious methods.

  2. 2

    How does George make peace with himself?

    George makes peace with himself by first making peace with God. This is not an easy process for him, and not one that he would have started had it not been for his boss, Thorowgood, who continued to show great loyalty to George, and visit with him in prison, knowing that he was manipulated into theft and murder by a woman of no morality whatsoever, He forgives George, and sends a pastor to him to counsel him, and enable him to make his peace with God. After he has accomplished this, George is able to finally forgive himself.

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