Day 1

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Lesson Plan

Discussion of Thought Questions

  1. 1

    How does Tolkien create a contrast of personality between Bilbo and Frodo Baggins in the first chapter?

    Bilbo's somewhat callous disregard for his invitees is a foreshadowing of the more serious evil and disregard for others that will overwhelm a regular wearer of the ring. Indeed, the reader should be well aware of Bilbo's uncharacteristic aggression in regards to the Ring. Basically, the Ring has begun to taint him in an evil way.

    The contrast between Bilbo and Frodo can be seen in Frodo's silence and contemplative attitude and Bilbo's fascination with the humor and potential for suspense that the Ring offers. The characterization of the wizard, Gandalf, shows the...

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