The Magic Mountain Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Magic Mountain Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Cigar (Symbol)

This thing is a vivid “measure” of the development of Hans’ illness. When he just comes to the sanatorium, he does like to smoke his favorite cigar, but in some time its smell, taste start irritating him, and the more they irritate him, the more he is getting ill.

Sanatorium (Allegory)

The sanatorium is allegory to the Europe of the author’s time in the story. The inhabitants of the institution represent different political views of that time: Settembrini adheres the progress of society, Naphta is his opponent and adheres conservative views etc. The author things that the Europe is “ill” and all these political concepts, quarrels are not important, because the main problem is actually treating of this illness (or illnesses). But people don’t see it (or pretend so), they behave as if they are healthy, as well as the inhabitants of the sanatorium: for example, in the dinning hall : “ Tanned young people of both sexes came in humming, spoke to the waitresses, and fell to upon the viands with robust appetite. There were older people, married couples, a whole family with children, speaking Russian, and half-grown lads. The women wore chiefly close-fitting jackets of wool or silk—the so-called sweater—in white or colors, with turnover collars and side pockets; they would stand with hands thrust deep in these pockets, and talk—it looked very pretty. At some tables photographs were being handed about—amateur photography, no doubt—at another stamps were being exchanged. The talk was of the weather, of how one had slept, of what one had “measured in the mouth” on rising. Nearly everybody seemed in good spirits, probably on no other grounds than that they were in numerous company and had no immediate cares. Here and there, indeed, sat someone who rested his head on his hand and stared before him. They let him stare, and paid no heed. ”

The process of getting ill (Motif)

The story is built in such way that it is fully soaked with Hans’ illness. First he is healthy, and then the story “goes” peacefully: the weather is good, people are calm etc. But the more Hans is getting ill, the worse his environment and the atmosphere of the story is: for example, when he gets to know that he is ill, it starts snowing outside (in the middle of August).

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