The Magus Characters

The Magus Character List


The narrator and protagonist of the story. He is bored of his life as nothing is spontaneous or full of enjoyment - he merely goes through the motions of daily life. He also considers himself to be a poet, a bit imaginative and seeking for more, hence his infatuation with Julie Holmes begins, as she is the polar opposite of him.

Julie Holmes

A schizophrenic patient who undergoes many impersonations of people, as part of the extravagant game she is participating in. She undergoes the personas of Lily Montgomery and Dr. Vanessa Maxwell. She is intent on making Nicholas infatuated with her mysterious persona.


Nicholas' ex-girlfriend. At first, he seems to be content with their relationship, but longs for more passion and excitement in the form of Julie. Alison fits into his old lifestyle, but not the one he is seeking. She is quite crude and unconventional. Despite this, she truly does seem to love her, but Nicholas does not truly seem to recognize this.

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