The Misanthrope and Other Plays Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Misanthrope and Other Plays Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Celimene’s letters (Symbol)

In this play, letters have a dramatic role for each character. As we know Alceste falls in love with Celimene. The Oronte’s letter to Celimene forces Alceste to abandon an attempt to win Celimene’s heart. The next fact which concerns the letter is Celimene’s admires. She treats admires well and coquet, but always refuse to them in the written form. So, the letter is a symbol of the distance and refusal of relations.

Gossip (Symbol)

Marquises, who often visit Celimene always discuss people and set tongues wagging. The author is dissatisfied and denounces their actions. He says that it isn’t the best way to recognize a person. Gossip is a dirty work. It is a symbol of the haughtiness and hypocrisy.

Love and Friendship (Motif)

The readers can clearly see how love destroys the friendship between the main characters. Two main characters Oronte and Alceste fall in love with the same woman. They exchange the friendship for love and begin to be the bitterest enemy. The author shows that love plays a big role in the life of people. But here love is just a game. Moliere doesn’t force the character to choose something one. But he considers that if you choose love, you may lose your best friend.

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