The Mist Literary Elements

The Mist Literary Elements


Horror, Short Story/Novella

Setting and Context

Set in Bridgton, Maine, when a mist has descended on the town after a huge thunderstorm

Narrator and Point of View

The narrator is David Drayton, who is also the protagonist, and the story is told from his point of view.

Tone and Mood

Terrifying and foreboding in tone, the mood is frantic and threatening.

Protagonist and Antagonist

David Drayton is the protagonist, Mrs Carmody the antagonist.

Major Conflict

There is conflict between the human characters stuck in the supermarket and the monstrous creatures in the mist who want only to kill them. There is also conflict within the supermarket between Mrs Carmody and David as she believes that there should be a human sacrifice made to appease God, and David disagrees.


David, Ollie, Amanda and Billy escape the supermarket; Ollie is killed, but the others make it to the car, and drive to safety.


The descent of the mist foreshadows the terrible events that are to come.




The plot alludes to military installations and the secret work that is carried out in such places.


The imagery is very vivid and almost reminiscent of a child's nightmares in the creatures that are so well described. The reader is able to visualize each monster but also to imagine the sounds of the mist and the smell of death as well.


Mrs Carmody claims to want to save lives but wants to make two human sacrifices as well.


There is a parallel between the dangers outside in the mist and the dangers inside the supermarket posed by Mrs Carmody and her followers.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

The creatures is the way in which the author refers to each of the individual monsters in the mist.



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