The Myth of Sisyphus Characters

The Myth of Sisyphus Character List


"The wisest and most prudent of mortals." Sisyphus, a king, is the main character of the myth, based on the Sisyphus of Homer. He is sentenced to push a rock to the top of a mountain only for it to roll back down to the base for eternity. This Sisyphus is different from the original, in that Albert Camus stated that it is important to believe that he is happy with his sentence. If he is happy, his fate is no longer punishment.


He sent the god of war to release Death from Sisyphus. After Sisyphus is in the underworld, Pluto gives him permission to go back to earth to see his wife. However, Sisyphus does not want to return as promised. This disobedience gains the king his eternal punishment of pushing a rock up a mountain only to have it fall back down.

The gods

Sisyphus has stolen the secrets of the gods. He knew that Jupiter took Egina, the daughter of Esopus. Sisyphus blackmails Esopus by declaring that he will only say where his daughter has gone if he gives water to the citadel, Corinth. Sisyphus later captures Death, who is then released by Pluto.

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