The Nietzsche Reader Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the significance of mentioning the frogs ‘The Nietzsche Reader’?

    The author has mentioned frogs in some of his well-known publications to denote people's impaired vision about the world. Naturally, frogs live in small water bodies. These creatures think that they own the world because they fail to comprehend that they are just in a small swamp. Nietzsche is concerned about the cynicism nature of some people who fail to view the world from a broader perspective. Therefore, Nietzsche compares pessimistic people to frogs who think that they know a lot, but they don't know anything about the world in reality.

  2. 2

    How does anxiety shape human experience on earth?

    Nietzsche wonders why human beings fear death, but they do not want to talk about it openly. All people fear death because it is regarded as a mystery, and to date, it remains a secretive affair that nobody wants to talk about. Both atheists and religious people are not ready to die because they believe that they will be answerable for their actions on earth at the end of their life. Consequently, fear shapes human life, and it aids in bringing order and decorum on earth.

  3. 3

    What is the satire of moral hypothesis according to Nietzsche?

    Nietzsche's work majorly criticizes both the free thinkers and religious people. Nietzsche examines the ideologies of atheists in ‘Parable of Madman’ and realizes that they are hypocrites. Nietzsche finds it ironic that atheists do not believe in God's existence but still acknowledges the existence of moral hypotheses. Atheists argue that there is a supreme being, but they disassociate themselves from religious groupings. The author also finds it satirical that people follow religious conventions without interrogating their validity. Nietzsche concludes that both atheists and religious people are all pretenders because they cannot substantiate their beliefs.

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