The Outsiders (film)

The Outsiders (film) Character List

Ponyboy Curtis

The protagonist of the film, Ponyboy is a contemplative and sensitive young member of the Greaser gang, and the youngest of the orphaned Curtis brothers. He is thoughtful and articulate, relishing in his imagination and spending time reflecting on the world around him. As Johnny points out in the iconic scene in which they watch the sunrise, Ponyboy notices elements of life like the color of the sky, and is able to appreciate the goodness of life. Ponyboy is also fiercely loyal to his brothers and his fellow gang members, admiring his older brother Sodapop and fearing the wrath of his oldest brother Darry. Ponyboy is one of the most innocent members of the gang, but also the wisest. The narration follows Ponyboy's account of the storyline, and we see much of the movie from Ponyboy's perspective.

Sodapop Curtis

Ponyboy's older brother, Sodapop takes care of his youngest brother and wants to protect him from the violent world of the gangs around them. Sodapop dropped out of school and now works at a gas station. Sodapop is loving and takes care of his sensitive younger brother, but is not very ambitious for himself, living a modest life as a working-class high school dropout. He feels a lot of kinship with his younger brother, and wants to protect him from the hardships that they face as orphans.

Darry Curtis

The oldest of the Curtis brothers, Darry is short-tempered and strict, always trying to control the household. With the pressure of taking care of his two brothers and their household after the death of their parents, Darry has become mean and humorless. Eventually, however, we see that Darry is actually a very kind-hearted brother who cares about Ponyboy a lot. As Two-Bit points out, "You know the only thing that keeps Darry from being a Soc is us." Darry is the most orderly and structured member of the Greaser gang.

Johnny Cade

Another young member of the gang, around Ponyboy's age, Johnny wants badly to fit in with the gang, but also feels aimless like Ponyboy. Johnny has a difficult home life and feels neglected by his parents, who are abusive and often fight with one another. Johnny is the sweetest member of the gang, but struggles with many demons, even saying that he wants to kill himself. Johnny dreams of growing up to be like the older members of the gang, but he also dreams of escaping from the gang life entirely. He is ultimately a tragic figure who dies after saving a group of children from a burning church.

Dallas "Dally" Winston

Recently released from jail, Dally is a tough greaser who cannot seem to escape the arm of the law, probably due to the fact that he loves nothing more than doing something illegal and stirring up trouble. While he has a good heart, Dally is often getting in his own way, as exemplified by his disrespectful approach to Cherry at the drive-in movies. He is loyal and good-hearted, but misguided due to the toughness of his upbringing. Originally from New York, Dally chooses to cover up his feelings and become aggressive rather than deal with them. When Johnny dies, he becomes so distraught that he acts out in violent ways, ultimately leading to his demise.

Two-Bit Matthews

Two-Bit is a loyal member of the gang, a joker and a sweet-natured guy. He is portrayed as lewd and not very respectful of women, making crass comments to girls at the movies and lifting up a girl's skirt, but he is also very kind-hearted. The class clown, Two-Bit likes to make fun of the absurdities of the Socs and his main objective is to have a good time.

Steve Randle

A hot-headed and unpredictable member of the Greasers, Steve works at the gas station with Sodapop, and enjoys behaving recklessly. He eats sloppily, and hoots and hollers aggressively. He loves nothing more than getting in the middle of the action when a fight breaks out.

Cherry Valance

A beautiful red-headed cheerleader and girlfriend of Bob, member of the rival Soc gang. Cherry is popular and admired, and she also has her own brand of inner toughness, able to stand up for herself against Socs and Greasers alike. She is endeared to Ponyboy, and wants to cross the divisions between the gangs to get to know him. She is simultaneously repelled by and attracted to Dally, and she offers to testify on behalf of Johnny after he kills Bob.


Cherry's loyal best friend and confidant.

Bob Sheldon

Cherry's boyfriend, who pressures her to do things she doesn't want to do, and continually disrespects her. He is a heavy drinker, always carrying a flask. While Cherry describes him as sweet, the only side we see of Bob is aggressive, drunken, and violent. He almost drowns Ponyboy in the fountain, but is killed by Johnny. Bob wears his entitlement and affluence as a badge of honor, a permission to behave belligerently towards Greasers.

Randy Anderson

Bob's best friend. He eventually asks to have a private conversation with Ponyboy before the rumble in which he seems to express remorse about the tensions between the two gangs, and tries to make a connection. Randy vacillates between violently asserting his own privilege and feeling remorse about it.

Buck Merrill

The man who greets Ponyboy and Johnny at Dally's apartment, when they come looking for help.

Tim Shepard

A tough Greaser who has beef with Dally, because Dally slashed his tires.

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