The Passion of Saint Perpetua, Saint Felicitas, and Their Companions Literary Elements

The Passion of Saint Perpetua, Saint Felicitas, and Their Companions Literary Elements


Religious text. Diary. Martyr non-fiction.

Setting and Context

Carthage. Third century.

Narrator and Point of View

First-person narrators.

Tone and Mood

Daring, passionate, steadfast, and captivating.

Protagonist and Antagonist

Saints-Protagonists. Emperor Septimius Severus-Antagonist.

Major Conflict

The saints’ maltreatment which is ascribed to their faith (Christianity).


The martyrs’ ultimate ill-fated executions.


The ladder in Perpetua’s dream foreshadows the anguish that she will withstand going forward due to her unwavering devotion.




Religious allusions such as the serpent, Devil, the angels, and the Garden.


The torture of Perpetua and her peers typifies absolutism and religious bigotry. Their fortitude is a warrant for them to be made saints.
Images of angels confirm that the course of martyrdom is worthwhile in God’s eyes.


The day of persecution is described as “the day of their victory,” yet they are tortured to death. The paradoxical victory refers to the triumph of their faith in God/ Christianity, which is not hampered by the pressures of martyrdom.


The experiences, anguishes, and chronicles of the saints are parallel.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

The devil denotes Satan.

Flesh denotes a human being.

The Spirit denotes the Biblical Holy spirit.


Beasts are personified to signify the repressive tormentors.

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