The Poetry of Li-Young Lee Quotes


"The sigh God sighed long ago/ birthed lighted aeons dying in time./ The sigh I sigh upon remembering Cain was my brother,/ and so was Abel, fans every lit cell of me,"

Li-Young Lee, “God is Burning”

The verse relates to the Biblical stories concerning the conception of the world and ‘Cain and Abel’s’ chronicle. God breathed life into the world through a sigh. Accordingly, God has always been extant even before the universe was birthed.

"The rose announces on earth the kingdom/of gravity. A bird cancels it./My eyelids cancel the bird. Anything/might cancel my eyes: distance, time, war./My father said, Never take your both eyes/off of the world, before he rocked me."

Li-Young Lee, “Arise, Go Down”

Based on the “Arise (Ascension) versus Go Down (Descension)” binary, the rose falls on the ‘go down’ section whereas the bird fits the arise section. The speaker concedes that God’s formation is based on cancellation. The prospect of the speaker’s eyes being cancelled by anything means that the binaries that people perceive in the mundane environs cancel out ultimately.

"Two: A man is four winds and three fires./And the four winds are his father’s voice,/his mother’s voice . . ./Or maybe he’s seven winds and ten fires./And the fires are seeing, hearing, touching,/dreaming, thinking . . ."

(Li-Young Lee, “Have You Prayed”)

The corporeal senses operate in conjunction with the psyche. The winds are in the unconscious mind whereas the fires are intertwined to the conscious mind. The ethics that one’s parents put emphasis on are ultimately sheltered in the unconscious which the seven winds signify. The unconscious voice is detected by the speaker only.

"You ape The Word made flesh/with words made words/to multiply more words and words about your words!"

(Li-Young Lee, Changing Places in the Fire)

This quote is a parody of the Biblical assertion on how God formed men and sanctioned them to proliferate and permeate the world. The parody validates the capability of words. Words can be incorporated to come up with distorted or constructive content. The multiplication of words is not an unconditional undertaking. The impact of the words depends on the emblems, pathos and the philosophy of individuals.

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