The Public Imagery

The Public Imagery

Imagery of Human Pain

"Don’t you remember me? Don’t you remember my torn nails?" Lorca expresses the anguish and the image of pain with the device of nails torn away. The image appeals to our senses, transmitting his pain in a clear and raw manner, we just have to look at our hands to feel it. Throughout the play, Lorca expresses pain in many vivid ways.

Extreme Love and Hate Imagery

"Take an axe and cut my legs. Let the insects of the ruin come and go away. Because I despise you."

Despair, dependence, and courage. The mixed and contradictory feelings that the image evokes are strong: the axe cutting the legs, complete submission to the one to whom you despise, a vivid example of love and hate incarnate in violence and wrath. If he had to go, everything would be bleak and senseless, what does it matter if he leaves you physically crippled if he leaves you mentally even worse?

Explicit and Uncomfortable Imagery

The anus is the failure of men; it is his shame and doom. They both had anus and neither of them could fight with the pure beauty of the marbles that shone keeping intimate desires defended by a remarkable surface.

Ornamented and complex, the contrast between the unseen and unglamorous parts of men —the anus—, coarse and to be ashamed of, with the shining marbles. Overall it gives the image a strange feeling that is difficult not to picture.

Treason and Unsuspected Danger Imagery

"I would be an old wineskin with wine that leaves the throat full of leeches."

Wine, blood and parasites. What looked like a good wine turned out to be a trap. With great vivacity, Lorca gives the feeling of treason. Reading this, you may find it hard trying to avoid clearing your throat.

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