The Secret Keeper is a novel published in 2012 and written by Kate Morton. This novel features a young teen named Laurel as its protagonist, beginning in the 1960s in England and later ending around the beginning of the 21st century.
Morton, one of the most prominent Australian authors today, has written six novels so far in her career, and a few more are on track to be published by 2020. Though she is originally from Australia, she attended Trinity College in London, and later earned a degree in English Literature at the University of Queensland. Today, she lives in London with her family.
At the beginning of The Secret Keeper, in 1961, Laurel and her family are enjoying their time together before they move to London. Laurel, at this time, only 16, is excited about the prospect of a new life in a big, bustling city and adventures that she is looking forward to. However, these happy times are short lived as that very afternoon, she becomes a witness to an appalling crime.
Later in her life, though she is well off in her adult life, Laurel wishes to seek out the truth behind her past. So, she sets out on her own journey to discover what really happened that fateful afternoon, and encounters so much more than she and the reader expects. Full of secrets, mysteries, murder and more crime, The Secret Keeper is one of the most complex but beautifully lyrical novels that Morton has written yet.